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Sports massage on leg

Sports Massage


*Reduce Pain
* Reduce Inflammation
* Increase Blood Flow
* Aids Removal of Toxins
* Promotes Healing
* Aid relaxation and Improve Sleep

Sports massage has many benefits. You may be put off by the term ‘sports’ massage and think it is specifically for professional athletes, or you may be worried that you don’t have the pain threshold to deal with it. For those that have never had a sports massage before you may want to know how this would benefit you.

  • Reducing muscle tension

  • Improving flexibility

  • Promoting healing

  • Increase injury prevention 

  • Aids removal of waste substances 

  • Promotes tissue repair

For most people,  injury is generally from poor posture, overuse, or the stresses  every-day life, where muscles can be overworked thus causing aches and pains. 



How often should I get a Sport Massage? 

For those who work a desk job or manual job - regular monthly appointments would be beneficial.

For Athletes weekly sessions would be most benefical and play a key part in your training.


Does Sport Massage hurt? 

Some experience pain which varies person to person, but this is normal as the therapist is specifically working on an area already in pain, BUT this should subside as the appointment goes on and the therapist will be in constant communication to ensure the treatment is beneficial. 

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